How  long has it been since you went Puddle-Jumping?


The fun kind…not the darting to and fro to avoid the puddles, and the stepping off the curb into a puddle…

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But the actual happy faced, jumping with both feet, not caring if you are soaked to the bone…Puddle-Jumping!

The kind that brings back memories of childhood, and the times when it was so simple and fun.

Well, I have not done it in a very long time.  But I was lucky enough to witness such an event last week.  I even stepped out of the box I live in, to not only speak to the man and his daughter, but ask if I could take a picture.

I saw them from my usual vantage point…

It was raining much harder than the day I took this picture.

It was raining much harder than the day I took this picture.

and I heard the father (my window was open…enjoying the fresh rain filled air) say One, Two, Three, then I heard a splash.   I looked up and saw a happy little girl and her Dad, having a lot of fun…they did it over and over at the corner puddle, that had grown to fill most of the street.  Then they walked on, counting and jumping often.

I was filled with happiness, and thoughts of childhood, enjoying the memories that flooded in.  I picked up my i-Pod, and ran (without thinking) to the front door…they had made it to around the part where my gate is by then, and were counting and jumping again.  When they finished that jump…I said. “Thanks for reminding me how much fun that can be!”  He smiled and said “Sure.”  I then asked him if he would mind if I took a picture of him and his daughter jumping in the puddles.  So I could have a constant reminder.  He agreed, and continued with his child.  I took the picture and reluctantly closed the door, as they continued on their way.


I know the picture is not that clear, that is because of the rain, and the fact that I had just spoken to a complete stranger, on my front porch taking pictures, and at the point the picture was taken, I had my back to the open spaces.

So…I’m just wanting to thank that Dad and his little girl for bringing a little childhood back into my life.  Giving me the courage to step outside these four walls for a moment. Above all, remembering how it felt to be care-free.  The memories he is making for his child will be ever remembered.

Later that day, the rain had cleared and the sun was shining…I had at that point closed my blinds, and retreated into my cave…still happy, but recovering from my little adventure.  Two of my children came in the house and had such confused looks, that I had to laugh a bit.  One asked me, “Did you take a picture of a man and his daughter today?”  They both looked at me with dis-belief on their faces, as I said “Yes!”

“NO!” was the resounding reply, then I couldn’t hold it in, I broke out laughing! They couldn’t believe I had ventured out, let alone talk to, and take a picture of a complete stranger…they know me well.

I showed them the picture, and told them the story of why I did it, then they pulled out a piece of paper, told me that his email was on it and would I mind sending him the picture so he could show his wife.

Now I have more to be happy about…not only did they make my day, but now they have a picture to mark their adventure.  I’m glad that I summoned the courage to go out and take the picture.

I guess what my post is about most today, is this….it does not have to be Puddle-Jumping, it can be blowing bubbles…


gazing at the stars, or finding things in the clouds…


We just need to keep dreaming, like we did when we were young, and we need to stop thinking about age so much…as the father did for his daughter…just Jump!

C.S. Lewis said…


We all need to remember that, and do more to keep our dreams and goals alive…if even for a small space of time each day.  It can really make a big difference.

Who knows…Like they did for me…it could make a difference in the lives of others as well.

Keep Puddle-Jumping!

Thanks for Hearing!


Bea Heard