Back Again

Well, you may have thought that I dropped off the face of the earth.  It almost seems as if I did sometimes.

Sorry that I have not written, here at least, for quite some time.  I have been busy with my Stitching, Knitting, Crocheting, for newborns both in the family and for other families as well.  I will post some of the things I have accomplished.


Wish I could say I have accomplished as much within myself as well, but it seems that I have taken more than a step backward in my hope of moving forward dealing with, surviving, and changing the things from my past that need to be confronted.

I want to move forward and keep getting stuck in my own mind.  I know that sometimes my body just takes over and does things I don’t consciously know about.  That’s what is hard about P.T.S.D., with its many layers, each one like an onion, has the ability to make you cry.  Something I try hard to avoid, yet it creeps up on me all the time.

The problem is, it is much easier to just push everything back inside and pretend nothing ever happened.  Because then I would have to admit that I am no longer the strong person I used to be, that I allowed someone to control me to the point that I lost not only that strength but the person inside as well.

It’s late, (or should I say early in the morning) and I was on the computer not really doing much of anything when I checked to see if this blog was still here.  I remembered the password and everything, so I figured it was a sign that I needed to say something.  After all, I started this blog to be heard, so what am I doing being silent?

I’ve made a decision I’ve been silent too long and that I need to continue this journey to be heard.  I know it will take strength that I’m not sure I have as of yet, but if I persevere, I may be able to somehow obtain it.  I hope so.

Along the way, I know I will need a push from supportive people and hope that any of you who read this will let me know how I am doing, along with sharing your stories with me as well.

Thank you for reading.  I hope to have more for you and hear more from you soon.

I’m attaching a picture I found on pinterest…not sure who made it, but it says everything I feel inside.  I Thank the person who made it…It will become my new motto in moving forward.


Thanks for Hearing.

Sincerely; Bea

Now below you will find, what I said I’d post here…just a few of the stitching, knitting and crocheting projects I’ve accomplished, in the time I’ve been silent.


Baby Bib pink Front      Crochet Chunky Baby Bear Earflap Hat with booties   Crochet Chunky Baby Boy Earflap Hat with booties   Crochet Christmas Santa Wreath 1

That’s all for now…Have a Fantastic day!


Just want to Thank everyone publically today, as it is Thanksgiving!  My Family, Friends, both old and new, and my blogging community.

I know this is not Thanksgiving, The celebration, for all of you out there, but every day can be a day of Thankfulness.

I am Grateful to God for providing so many things…Yes I have had many struggles, and am continuing to battle some, but I know God is there, and he has given me many people along the way to help me and mine through.

I am just hoping and praying that everyone out there has a warm, happy, joy-filled day, surrounded by people you Love!


The above saying by Melody Beattie, I think sums it all up!

Thanks for Hearing!


Bea Heard


Today…I’m pretty much just winging it.  Had no real plan for a blog post, it just came to me as I was doing my thing, and trying to De-Stress.  I just thought I’d share a couple of the ways I calm myself down.


The above image tells it all…I’m using it because that represents Cooking for me.  I love to cook, bake, just about anything culinary.  And when I’m stressed, I cook.

I also love to Read, Knit, Crochet, do all manner of crafty things…

Just a few items from my pile of things I've knit and crocheted in the past week...need to have a craft sale.

Just a few items from my pile of things I’ve knit and crocheted in the past week…need to have a craft sale.

wpid-screenshot_2015-10-13-09-43-49_1.jpg Love to read!

Of course a cup of coffee or tea can’t hurt the process.

wpid-screenshot_2015-10-06-12-58-28.jpg         wpid-screenshot_2015-10-06-12-58-41_1.jpg

My all time favorite…HUGS!!!

We can learn something from a bear hug.

We can learn something from a bear hug.

Hugs have been hard for me to do…even with my family…I know they would never hurt me, but my body did not want people too close.  I’ve come to be able to give and get hugs though…I’ve missed it, and doing it over and over, even when I don’t feel safe doing so (with the people I know love me that is), has helped…again…my Therapist was right!

But I can’t always get the last one (Hugs)…either my family and friends are not around when I could use one, or the people on the street won’t cooperate…Ha!Ha! Not only will they not cooperate…I usually don’t have the ability to go outside my cave. (due to PTSD)

Not going outside my four walls leaves the other things that I would like to do to de-stress, out of the picture…like…taking a walk, riding a bike, hiking, camping, or just sitting on the beach and watching the waves…

wpid-screenshot_2015-10-13-09-53-07_1.jpg   another thing that keeps me from doing this one is…I DON’T LIVE BY THE BEACH ANYMORE!   So sad for me, because the water was always so very soothing.  So I just have to put on meditation music, the ones that have waves in it, and let that be enough.   I was able to find a nice thing on Netflix, it was called Moving Art, and it was oceans…yeah!!!  Almost like being there…and I watch it while I am riding my stationary bike.

Well…we all do what we must to cope.

Now I know that the things I do, may not appeal to some of you, but I have found solace in writing this blog, and keeping a journal, along with trying to write down my experiences (some of those cause stress).

I like aroma-therapy, music, comedies, etc., and they all help for a while…but we all know…those of us living with any form of stress or P.T.S.D., that it is only a temporary fix…we all need to get the help we need to deal with the underlying problems, before our ways of coping…just don’t work anymore.

I’m putting an image of something I found online about how to deal with stress…maybe some of it will help give you an idea on what to do in your life to keep the stress bug away.


My suggestion…just do the things that make you happy!!!

I hope my little tidbits can help someone, or give someone an idea on how to de-stress in your daily life.

Thanks again for Hearing!


Bea Heard