Navigating My Tablet

Well, the beginning of a new Work Week.  My self-imposed way of getting back into the world.

Not mine, but close!

Not mine, but close!

It is going so-so today…as I am having a bit of trouble navigating the Tablet.  I was given this tablet for Christmas last year…my boys thought  as my Computer was dead, that I could use the new technology.

I am finding it both Wonderful and Exhausting at the same time.  Every time I try to put something in..i.e., pictures, quotes, etc., I end up having to take a screenshot of my things. Yes, even the ones I have taken with my own camera.

There must be a better way.  I always thought that I was relatively knowledgable about computers etc., but things change so fast, and I am a visual learner, and do best when shown what to do first.  But, I have no one around on a regular basis to help out…so…I am on my own.  Don’t get me wrong, I have people to help me, family members are ever willing to lend support.  I just have a processing problem (ha,ha).

So, now that I have told you my beginnings of the day.  I can let you know that I had a Great weekend…My small guest was so much fun and Great Medicine for the soul.  We made many things,

Salt clay...she made me a butterfly with a tadpole!

Salt clay…she made me a butterfly with a tadpole!

and read books, watched movies, made meals together.

Spachetti cooked inside hot dog pieces, with cheese sauce...mac and cheese with a twist!

Spachetti cooked inside hot dog pieces, with cheese sauce…mac and cheese with a twist!

We even made a tent in the living room, (sorry no picture of that) slept there and told ghost stories.

All in all, it was restful…until….she left.  Then, while I was alone again…things were able to creep into my mind.  I had a rough rest of the weekend, but as you can see…I LIVED!

So…upward and onward, as it were.  I am going to stop playing with the tablet, and trying to get it to work my way…and do a bit more writing on the Hard stuff that must be addressed.

Thanks to all for reading.  I want to Thank those of you who are following me.  It gives me added incentive to continue when I know there are those out there reading. Thanks for helping me stay on track.  Please leave comments, good or bad…as I cannot get better at this if I don’t get feedback.

Thanks for Hearing!


Bea Heard