
A Hug, is truly a Healing Embrace.  It has been scientifically proven that when you are hugged, your body releases endorphins that help reduce stress, and your body produces oxytocin, that helps to lower blood pressure.  There are numerous ways that the Embrace helps you to heal.

From the time we are born we need to be embraced.

From the time we are born we need to be embraced.

As you know if you read my post yesterday.  There have been troubling times in my life, not just for myself, but those I love. Today proved again what a Hug can do, and the healing powers it has.


One of my children came up in the early hours, and only wanted to sit by me, and be held.  My child kept apologizing for just wanting to be there doing nothing but to be held, and I had to say. “You have nothing to apologize for…this is helping me, as much as it is helping you.”

It was only then, that I felt my child’s body relax.  For about 30 minutes, we sat there in a Healing Embrace.  We said nothing, but I could tell we both were slowly but measurably, feeling the effects of what we were doing.

Then when my child left there was, for the first time in a long time, a feeling of hope, renewed love, the warmth and comfort that was mutually felt was overwhelming to me.  I wept when I was alone…not in a sad despairing way, it was a feeling of relief. It felt as if we were finally breaking through to a new level.

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We all need human contact, as many have stated in the past…it is as necessary as breathing.  When we hug each other, whether it is to welcome someone, comfort someone, say goodbye, etc., we are giving our physical bodies a gift.  Helping our bodies to function better.  Like giving fuel to a vehicle…if you don’t have it, your body cannot run at its full potential.

Even getting and giving hugs to pets does the same thing…



Not only do humans need this…but most living things crave contact.

We can learn something from a bear hug.

We can learn something from a bear hug.

So, Give a few hugs today…they say if you get a 30 second hug each day…it can lower your blood pressure by 20-30%…wow…that alone is a great reason to get and give hugs. Not to mention the feelings of caring, love, safety, warmth, comfort and joy that come with it.

For you, friends, family, everyone!

For you, friends, family, everyone!

Do yourself, your body, and those around you a favor, and have a good Hug today…every day…seek it out, make it a point to give and accept them.

From my own experience…I know it to be true…a Hug can truly be a HEALING EMBRACE!

Thanks for Hearing!


Bea Heard

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